Over the Horizon Academy is a school known for their excelling student body. Unlike a typical high end school, this school focuses on collecting students far and wide that demonstrate varying talents. Each person who is scouted are the best at what they do, achieving celebrity status.
Despite being such a prestigious academy, many things are swept under the rug and hidden from the public and their student body. One of these things are students disappearing from the school at an alarming rate.
You've heard the rumors. You've seen your peers vanish. You've worried about your safety. But never did you actually think that it would happen to you.Well, that was until you wake up in an old hotel surrounded by a handful of your peers.As Above So Below is a Discord based 17 + DRRP that integrates tarot cards, astrology, and zodiacs into its gameplay! The cast will contain 22 people, each character representing a major arcana card.Do you dare see what fate has in store for you?✦ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ✦
i know you're looking! hope you enjoyed the feet pics :)


SCHEDULEThe game’s schedule will be split into different periods: Free time/downtime, Motive, Investigation, and the trial.✦《┊ Free time will last for 2 weeks. There will be no motive or killing during this time. Use this time to develop relationships towards other characters!✦《┊ Motives will last for** 2 weeks.** How much time that passes IC depends entirely on the motive, which will be specified!✦《┊ There will be downtime periods for mods, which will last 1-2 weeks! During this time, NO investigations will occur.✦《┊ There are TWO different types of investigations:✦《┊ HOTEL INVESTIGATION: During the free time and motive periods, the mods will open up investigation slots. Players will be able to sign up for slots. Once an investigation has started, you will have a week to complete that investigation. You don’t have to take the full week or even finish investigating the whole area by the end of the week, the investigation slot will just close! Your characters may revisit these rooms in roleplays and look around/interact, but investigation slots are specifically meant to find clues!✦《┊BODY DISCOVERIES: This marks the end of a motive period. You will have 3 days ooc (a few hours ic) to investigate the crime scene before the trial. These will always happen on a Wednesday.✦《┊ Trials will happen after the end of the BDA. They will always start on a Friday and end on a Saturday. Here, you will have 2 days ooc (a few hours ic) to find the killer. At the end of the trial, a vote will open up for five minutes to prosecute the killer.✦《┊ The time zone for this game is primarily EST! I will provide time conversions when needed.

GENERAL✦《┊ There will be **six chapters **to this game. Each chapter lasts a little longer than a month.✦《┊ This cast will contain 22 players. Each player will represent a major arcana card. You will also be given a special ability based on that card.✦《┊ Killers and victims will run on a volunteer basis. If no one comes to us within the first few days of the motive, we will choose someone on our own accord. We will be more inclined to choose on activity levels, but we will still make sure that the case makes sense and is ic!✦《┊ There is a shop and currency system (Dabloons). Currency can be gained by writing, art, role playing, and in-game events.✦《┊ If a character breaks a rule in game, they will be met with punishment. There is a three strike system for the entire game, each strike being met with increasingly worse punishments. The third punishment/strike will most likely result in the death of your character.✦《┊ Each player will be provided with a Mysticpad. You can access a group chat, dms, clues, notes, contact list, and a map.✦《┊ After each chapter, a new floor will be unlocked for you to explore.

THREADS✦《┊ Basically your roleplays! There will be private threads and public threads.✦《┊ Public threads and private threads will be done on this server using the thread feature. You may create a private thread with this feature and @ whoever you're rping with!✦《┊ Open threads and group threads are also possible! Just make sure to specify on either account.✦《┊ Investigations will get their own channel in the main server, just to keep things organized!✦《┊ If you would like to earn currency for your roleplays, make sure to finish them! Also make sure to ping a mod when you are done so you can get your money! These threads wont be wiped with major events, unless you want them to be!✦《┊ There is a soft-cap of 3 interactions at a time (in the threads or public). HCs are unlimited, but know your own limit!

HOTEL INVESTIGATIONS✦《┊ During the free time and motive periods, the mods will open up investigation slots. Players will be able to sign up for slots. Once an investigation has started, you will have a few days to complete that investigation ooc. IC, these investigations will be a few hours in a bubbled interaction. You don’t have to take all of the days or even finish investigating the whole area by the end of the investigation period, the investigation slot will just close! Your characters may revisit these rooms in roleplays and look around/interact, but investigation slots are specifically meant to find clues outside of BDAs!✦《┊ This is where most of your stats come into play. Mods will notify you if you need to roll for a specific action.✦《┊ Rules still apply for these investigations, along with punishments!✦《┊ You’re basically allowed to interact with anything in the room. Do whatever your heart desires (as long as you aren’t breaking any rules).✦《┊ Once the investigation is finished, you will receive currency! If a member isn't pulling their weight, they will receive less/no currency depending on how active they are.✦《┊ Make sure to bold your actions in your replies so a mod can properly reply.✦《┊ There will be a cooldown! We want to make sure everyone who wants to investigate is able to. The cooldown will be determined based on activity from you and everyone else. The cooldown range is 1-2 investigations without your character. Visits to drop off items is allowed.

MURDER✦《┊ Killers and victims will run on a volunteer basis Usually the killer and victim(s) will talk about it before hand, or the killer will choose a victim that they thing will suite the kill the most. If no one comes to us within the first few days of the motive, we will choose someone on our own accord.✦《┊ The killer and victim(s) will be brought into a private chat to discuss the murder. THIS MUST NOT BE DISCUSSED OUT OF THIS CHAT.✦《┊ Please be a team player if you are chosen to be killed. I understand it can be upsetting, but we'll make the most of it!✦《┊ There may be up to 3 victims per case.✦《┊ Suicides will not be accepted as a case.✦《┊ Accomplices and people who mess with the bodies after they are found are allowed on rare instances. Please come to the mods with a full plan/how you want this to play out. Do not be upset if your idea is not accepted.

BODY DROP INVESTIGATIONS✦《┊ This marks the end of a motive period. You will have 3 days to investigate the crime scene before the trial. These will always happen on a Wednesday. A time will be determined by a poll.✦《┊ Absolutely everyone is able to investigate. Treat this as an open thread.✦《┊ BDA files will be made and updated as things are discovered. You will be able to access these through your CLUES app on your Mysticpad.✦《┊ An investigation will start once three players who are not the killer discover the body.✦《┊ Make sure to bold your actions in your replies so a mod can properly reply.✦《┊ Alibis will be given in DMs to players. This will state where your character was at the time of the body drop/murder. DO NOT REVEAL THESE ALIBIS OOC.✦《┊ A special category will be made for each body drop. This will include a channel for clues along with locations associated with the investigation.

TRIALS✦《┊ Trials will happen after the end of the BDA. Here, you will have 2 days ooc to find the killer.✦《┊ Trials will always start on a Friday. The start time of the trial will be determined by a poll. Trials will end on Saturday.✦《┊ We will be using a queue based system. There will be a designated queue channel where you can claim your spot. There, you have an hour to write your response. If you do not go within that time, you will be bumped down a spot on the queue. You can enter the queue multiple times during the trial, of course.✦《┊ You can only use two clues/truth bullets each post you make in the trial.✦《┊ Trials are mandatory IC. We understand if you can't make it ooc, though!✦《┊ Characters cannot access the group chat or dms during the trial. They can access their clues app, however.✦《┊ Refusal to vote for a killer results in a vote for yourself.✦《┊ If the killer is correctly identified, they will be executed.✦《┊ If the killer is falsely identified, the accused must spin The Wheel of Punishment. Punishments range from terrible injuries, family members dying, etc.✦《┊ If the killer gets away, they get to stay in the Master Suite. Here, they are taken out of the game. They are no longer affected by motives or trials.✦《┊ Do not try to solve the case OOC. Just keep it to your own theories, please!✦《┊ Salem can give one hint per trial.** Use it wisely**.✦《┊ If there is a tie between two suspects at the end of the voting period, a random character will be chosen to hear out both of the suspect’s defenses. The character chosen must choose one of the two after each argues their case.




Come back later!


Prologue - 5/19✦《┊ Everyone wakes up in their respective rooms with their roommates with collars around their necks! Unfamiliar with their surroundings, everyone decides to investigate and all end up in the lobby. There, a fight almost breaks out between Jhin, Kanda, and Imogene (Well. More like Imogene wanted to fight Jhin) before a gun was shot by the enforcer, Leif.
A plush cat named Salem proceeded to explain that everyone is here to kill each other! A killing game, where in order to get freedom, you need to murder. Of course, no one is happy with that. Everyone found out that they're all associated with a tarot card, a tattoo on their palm of their hand with a roman numeral. Without explaining much else, Salem dipped out leaving a scared and confused cast!
Prologue End - 6/14 - 6/17
✦《┊ During the evening of the 14th, Salem excitedly invited everyone to come to the dining hall for something that he had prepared. Unbeknownst to everyone (including Salem), what laid beyond the doors was something horrible.
On one of the tables laid the dead body of Watson, the hotel's butler. Salem forced the students to investigate the death, as he originally believed that one of the students caused it behind his back. While everyone investigated the body, Yuqi's unconscious body was found in the kitchen. It had turned out that she had hit her head, and left her with a nasty head injury.After the students investigated the body, Salem called a trial for them to figure out the killer. After a few hours of debating, it came to the conclusion that the hotel's nurse, Lucky, had murdered the butler. Lucky claimed that she was not in control of her actions, and did not recall why she did such a heinous act to the cat.Instead of killing or punishing Lucky, Salem decided to use this as an opportunity to show the students that he did fully intend to murder the students here. He ended up activating the collars, causing the head of the enforcer, Leif, to blow up.Salem then left everyone to their own devices to think about what happened that day, dismissing the students into a new sense of dread.


Come back later!